Work for change – tools & tactics

Illustration: Three people creating and discussing an action plan. Illustrator: Toby Newsome.Illustration: Three people creating and discussing an action plan. Illustrator: Toby Newsome.

There are many ways to promote FORB! On this page you can explore 15 tactics for making change and discover a range of tools developed for different audiences and purposes.

Illustration: Two people talking while looking at the local changemakers course. Illustrator: Toby NewsomeIllustration: Two people talking while looking at the local changemakers course. Illustrator: Toby Newsome

15 tactics for promoting FORB

Discover tactics to help you to respond to emergencies, advocate for long term change, build skills and networks or find justice and healing for people affected by violations. And be inspired by stories from across the world of people using the tactics.

Tactics for making change

Tools for raising awareness

Do you lead a faith community, women’s group or youth group? Are you a teacher or adult educator? Do you facilitate civil society workshops or run trainings for officials? Discover resources to help you explain and promote FORB in ways that speak to your audience.

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